A Complete Fantasy Role-Playing Game on the World of Rhand Rhand is a fallen world.

a world at war.

A shattered humanity retreats each year before a wave of ice.

Driven by hunger, the cultures ofRhand fight among themselves for the planet's dwin- dling resources, slowly reverting to complete barbarism.

The faceless, inhuman Spectrals stalk through the ruins, existing only to destroy humanity.

In this chaos the only real stability lies in the city-states, small nations struggling to survive in a land of ice, war, and hatred.

Beleaguered and isolated, the city-states and indeed all of Rhand have only one hope for the future:


An elite group of heroes and healers, the ORCA is the last chance for life and civilization in a world gone mad.

join the ORCA and enter the eternal battle for the fate ofRhand as you:

.Encounter the wily jineta, master horsemen and rulers of the plains.

.Deal with the CIochardi, subtle and powerful humans who wrest life out of the icelands.

.Aid the reclusive Vid in their battle to save the vanishing forests they have made their homes.

.Combat the Vissers.

warped, malevolent creatures that were once human.

.Pursue the twisted people who call themselves Blades.

madmen who have betrayed their race for greed, power, and hatred.

.Battle the jet-black, unthinking Spectrals.

the enemies of all life on Rhand.

And Rhand:

Morningstar Missions gives you more than alien cultures, fascinating opponents and the glory of the ORCA's struggle to save a world;

it gives you a revolution in game design.

The unique rules system puts you on the battlefielq:

.In the chaos of combat you must stab, slash, duck.

and parry.

.Aim your blows where you wish-the limbs.

the head, or even the heart.

.Batter down your opponent's shield to create an opening for an ally.

.Drag an enemy from horseback and continue the fight with qr without weapons.

.Feel the tension of the bowstring on your fingertips.

.Wield the forces of magic -the powers of the elements and a full range of mental abilities.

.Master any skills you wish by study or field experience.

Join the revolution in game design and move up to the Leading Edge Suggested Retail Price $18.95


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