Psychic Damage results when a mage exceeds his Fatigue Limit.

For every Magic Force (MF) used above the Fatigue Limit one Psychic Damage point (PSD) is in- flicted and recorded on his character sheet.

When the mage goes to sleep a Recovery Roll (RR) is made using a Damage Total often times the PSD divided by the mage's Health characteristic.

Medical aid does not affect PSD;

the mage must heal on his own.

If the Recovery Roll is failed the mage does not die but halves his normal Fatigue Limit for an entire game year.

The mage heals at a rate given in the Healing Table of section 7.5.

with the time doubled if the Recovery Roll was failed.

If he uses magic before healing is complete, every Magic Force used adds another PSD point to the remaining “wound”.

Psychic Damage also precludes training in magic until com- pletely healed.
