The study of magic is rare on Rhand.

It is a difficult skill, and there are few places which provide an environment stable and prosperous enough to allow for advanced magical work.

In the Orca it is available only to members who have applied and are accepted for magic specialist training as described in section 3.2.

There are seven Subjects to Rhand magic.

These are:

Earth Fire Mental Magic Astral Projection Air Water Body Magic The subjects Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are Elemental magics.

They are broad categories, each with many separate spells.

Mental Magic, Body Magic, afld Astral Projection are more specialized and have only a few spells reflecting their abilities.

Each of these Subjects and their spells are described in sections 8.4 to 8.10.

A mage can gain Learning Points (LP) in magic either by training or field experi- ence (section 7.1).

Every time an LP is earned he assigns it to a Subject ofms choice, raising the total LP in that Subject by one.

The sum of all the LP in all Subjects is the Magic Learning Point Total.

This number determines the mage's Magical Skill Level (MGSL) (see section 3.2).

The MGSL measures overall proficiency in magic while the LP earned in each Subject determines the maximum Magic Force that can be used at one time in any spell under that Subject.

The MGSL, the Magic Learning Point Total, and the LP in each Subject should be recorded on the character sheet.


Humbert has studied five of the seven Subjects of magic.

He has earned 34 LP in Earth, 3 in Air, 10 in Fire, 6 in Body Magic, and 12 in Astral Projection.

His total number ofLP is 34 + 3 + 10 + 6 + 12 = 65 points.

He therefore has an MGSL of6 according to the Learning Point Total table in section 3.2.
