This section describes the weather of the equatorial, inhabited.

area of Rhand and gives the effects of this weather on the world.

The tables below determine the day's weather.

Adding or subtracting any appro- priate modifiers to 00-99 die rolls for Wind, Temperature.

and Cloud Cover gives the Weather for specific geographic and climatic conditions.

Wind (MPH) Temperature (F) Cloud Cover 00-19 Calm 00-02 20 deg.

00-19 Clear 20-39 Levell (5) 03-11 25 deg.

20-49 10-30% 40-55 Level 2 (10) 12-19 30 deg.

50-69 40-60% 56-69 Level 3 (15) 20-37 40 deg.

70- 79 70-80% Rain -20 70-85 Level 4 (20) 38-55 50 deg.

80-89 90% Rain -10 86-95 Level 5 (30) 56-69 60 deg.

90-99 100% Rain 96-105 Level 6 (40) 70-89 70 deg.

100-109 100% Rain + 10 106-115 Level 7 (50) 90-105 80 deg.

110-129 100% Storm 116-124 Level 8 (60) 106-115 85 deg.

116-129 90 deg.

Modifiers (pick one from each section) Season Wind Temp Cloud Geography Wind Temp Cloud Terrain Wind Temp Cloud spring + 10 +5 + 10 main belt 0 + 15 +5 plains 0 0 0 summer 0 + 10 0 steppes +5 0 0 hills +5 -5 +5 fall + 10 +5 + 15 tundra + 10 -10 0 mountains +5 -10 + 10 winter 0 0 0 arctic + 10 -30 0 desert +5 +5 -10 If Rain or Storm results on the Cloud Cover table roll the severity of precipitation on the following table.

Rain Table Storm Table Rain Rain Roll Level Rating Roll Level Rating 00-09 0 No Rain 0 00-59 6 Squall (1 hour) 1 10-29 1 Sprinkle (1 hour) 1 60-89 7 Storm (2 hours) 4 30- 79 2 Shower (2 hours) 4 90-98 8 Thunderstorm (2 hours) 6 80-89 3 Heavy Shower (2 hours) 6 99-99 9 Blockbuster (1 hour) 4 90-102 4 Downpour (1 hour) 4 103-109 5 Cloudburst (1 hour) 5 The duration of the Rain or Storm is given in parenthesis above.

Once this duration has expired subtract one to three levels (randomly rolled) from the Rain or Storm level.

The Rain or Storm continues at this new level for another duration.

as given above.

This continues till the level goes to zero.

Storms are composed of wind.


and lightning.

In a Storm the Wind level is equ“al to the Storm's level.

There is a 10% chance per level of Storm per minute of Lightning within one mile.

Wind has many effects on combat and travel times.

At moderate speeds Wind spreads fIres as described in section 9.6.

For each Wind level above 4 subtract one from Skill Levels in Archery.




and Seamanship.

Wind level 7 restricts movement to a maximum of 2 x Combat Speed.

level 8 drops it to Combat Speed, and at level 9 only a crawl is possible at one half Combat Speed.

Branches start breaking off trees at level 6.

and at level 9 thirty percent of all trees fall down.

Scent tracking is impossible above Wind levelS.

The effects of Rain depend on the total amount of rainfall.

Sum the Rain Rating values from the Rain and Storm table;

if this number is greater than or equal to an R value on the following table, the corresponding action occurs.

Rain And Storm Effects Table Action R Action R supply crops with water (per week) 4 dampen brush 3 obliterate tracks and scent 3 dampen forest 6 double travel times for one day 8 wet brush 4 double travel times for two days 10 wet forest 10 triple travel times for two days 12 put out brush fire 4* flood local creeks and rivers 15 put out forest fire 8* flashflood 8* archery range and impact halved 4 *Rain must fall within 3 hour period Obliterating tracks and scent will reduce a group's Pursuit “P” value (see section 1.3) to one third.

Likewise doubling or tripling travel times will increase the times between pursuit rolls to once per two or once per three hours.
