The human ear is very sensitive.
Many times the question is not whether the sound can be heard, but ifit can be filtered out of the background noise.
The following table gives the ranges, in hexes, at which various sounds may be heard 99, 90, and 40 percent of the time.
These Odds assume an average outdoor background noise level.
Sound Detection Range (hexes) Sound 99/90/40 Sound 99/ 90/ 40 Sound 99/ 90/ 40 whisper 4/ 5/ 6 loud voice 96/115/134 bugle 1076/1290/1500 staged whisper 6/ 7/ 8 whistle 134/161/188 horses hard surf 134/ 161/ 188 soft voice 12/14/17 combat 192/230/269 horses turf 48/ 58/ 67 twig crack 24/29/39 shout 163/184/227 footsteps hard 48/ 58/ 67 normal voice 48/58/67 rockslide 538/646/753 footsteps turf 12/ 14/ 17 The following table gives modifications to the hearing range due to increased levels of background noise and other situations.
Situation Modifier Situation Modifier normal conversation (small group) 1/2 range small group marching 3/4 range normal conversation (large group) 1/10 range large group marching 1/2 range crowd at an event 1/20 range small group mounted 1/4 range open air market 1/10 range large group mounted 1/5 range through a door 1/3 range with a megaphone double range