Using a warhorse increases the speed and havoc-wreaking potential of a fighter.
A trained warhorse moves as a human at Combat Speed five and may be used to kick, stomp, or ram dismounted opponents.
A warhorse gets 1/3 the rider's Horseman- ship Skill Level in Combat Actions each phase to do these attacks.
It attacks at 1 st skill level and defends at 1/2 the rider's Horsemanship level.
An untrained horse may not attack and defends at 1 st Level.
Other mounted rules are listed below and an example is found in section 6.6.
Rule 1 At the beginning of each phase a “Control” roll from the Action/Reaction table of section 3.3 must be made.
One hand on the bridle causes the rider to lose either one shield or two weapon actions each phase.
If the rider fails the Control roll, the horse moves in a random direction at speeds ranging from 1 to 1 0 hexes and cannot make any attacks.
Rule 2 Rams, kicks, and stomps take one, two, and three Combat Actions, respectively.
Use Combat Attack Table (4D) to see if these attacks hit.
Rule 3 Kicks and stomps are Blunt Impact attacks-use table (5D) and (5£) to find the damage inflicted.
A rammed opponent has a 5 x (Balance Skill Level) % chance of maintaining footing.
If he fails this roll, he is knocked down and requires 1 to 2 phases to regain his feet.
Rule 4 The weapons of the rider must have a range of at least 2 to hit footman, and 2 + to strike other riders.
Rule 5 A warhorse's main defense is a continuous Dodge, so always use Combat Attack Table (4D) to see if blows hit a warhorse.
Combat Attack Table (4F) is used for an untrained horse.
Rule 6 When the horse is hit, the Impact Damage on body, head, and neck hits is divided by three, and on leg hits by two to account for its size before entering the Damage Tables.
An unbarded horse has an Armor Class = NO.
A warhorse has a Knockout Value of 50 and an untrained horse has a Knockout Value of 10.
Rule 7 If injured, a horse will bolt in a random direction at speed 11 to 30 hexes per phase, unless the rider makes his roll to control the injured animal.
See the Ac- tion/Reaction table of section 3.3 under Horsemanship and Fall Recovery for details of bolting, dismounting, and other riding situations not covered here.
Rule 8 To make a mounted lance or spear attack, the horse must have a minimum run of 10 hexes to get up to charge speed.
If this space is not available, run the attack as a one handed spear thrust.
Only normal stroke attacks are possible when making a mounted lance or spear attack.