This section describes the general format for the listing of spells in sections 8.4 to 8.10.

Each spell has three numbers representing cost in MF, stacking, and duration, as well as a written description explaining its effects.

Cost The spell's cost is the first number in the description.

It may be written in one of three ways:

as a number, as a number plus a characteristic like STR or WILL, or a series of numbers separated by slashes.

A single number indicates the spell always costs that amount of MF any time it is cast.

A variable cost spell, such as Weakness (Water) has a cost of 15 + STR, which means that the mage must cast a spell with MF equal to at least the target's STR plus 15 to have effect.

A series of numbers denotes costs for different uses, which are given in the written description.

Stacking Following the cost is the' Stacking' ability of the spell.

For example, if the spell of Indetectability (Air), which costs 6 MF and adds one to Infiltration skill level, is cast on a man, and cast again while the first spell is still in effect, his Infiltration skill level is increased by two.

For this spell the Stacking limit is 12, so at most a person's Infiltration skill level could be increased by twelve.

If the Stacking limit is 1.

no Stacking is allowed and the spell will always have the indicated effects.

For Stack- ing limits greater than 1, the effects of the spell are added each time it is cast up to its Stacking limit.

If the image has sufficient capability to cast multiple Stackings at one time, he may do so.

This is required where the spell has no duration (Explode Object, for example).

In some cases the Stacking is indicated by 'Inf Stack', which means there is no limit to the Stacking.

Duration The Duration of the spell is the third entry.

It is the amount of time the spell re- mains effective and is listed in either phases.

minutes (30 phases), hours, special, or ( -), which indicates the spell has no Duration.

The' special' listing means the Dura- tion is variable and is explained in the spell description.
