The element of Earth symbolizes inertia, nourishment, and static strength.

Please note that the divisions among the elemental magic subjects are more in terms of the type of effects than the material affected.

Earth is not the moving of dirt, nor is Air simply concerned with summoning winds, Fire with producing heat, or Water with controlling waves.

The ideas behind the elements determine the way the spells are divided.

Earth, then, deals with creation.

Personality traits associated with Earth magic, and common among mages who prefer Earth, are emotional stability, resolu- tion, and strength of character.

Armor 5 + STR 6 Stack 2 Minutes This spell raises the Armor Class of the target.

Each casting increases the Armor Class by one step;

unarmored (NO) goes to leather (LT), leather to mail (ML), etc., up to a maximum of plate (PL).

Barricade 10 20 Stack 1 Hour This spell makes a door or gate harder to open.

Each casting adds 5 to the breaking strength of the door and the lock (see section 9.7).

Cold 3/4/30 + STR InfStack - Cold lowers the temperature of the target.

Stacking either decreases temperature further or cools more material.

The costs above are to:

freeze a cup of water/lower room (12' x 12') temperature 10 degrees F/lower a man's body temperature by 10 degrees.

Lowering a man's body temperature by 10 degrees brings on shaking fits and halves his combat skill level.

Lowering it 30 degrees produces paralysis, 60 degrees death.

Create Earth.

Air, Water 30/40 InfStack 4 Hours Applying 30 MF creates one pound of the desired substance.

Earth here means soil.

For 40 MF one pound of food may be created.

Stacking creates additional material.

Create Fire 5/30 InfStack 1 Minute 5 MF creates a torch sized flame, 30 MF a one hex blaze.

These flames will ignite combustible material and will burn anywhere (except under water) without fuel.

Larger flames are created by stacking.

Create Metal 40/45/50/55/60 InfStack 4 Hours This creates various metals in any imaginable shape.

The costs above are for one pound of:


Create Sound 1/4/20/100 InfStack 10 Phases This spell allows the caster to project sounds to any point he could normally cast a spell to.

The costs are for sound levels of a:

whisper/normal voice/shout/rolling thunder.

Death 60 + KV 1 Stack - This spell is meant to affect human size targets.

If the target fails his Resist Roll, he falls unconscious and all body functions cease in 8 phases.

The effects of this spell can be negated by the Revive spell.

The referee should vary the cost for larger or smaller targets.

Earthsense 12 10 Stack 2 Minutes This ability allows the mage to 'see' through the ground as if it were air.

Tunnels, caves, underground water, rock formations, earthquake faults, and regions of vol- canic activity can all be detected for a range of one mile.

Extinguish Fire 1/4/15 Inf Stack - The above costs extinguish a:

candle/torch/one hex size fire.

Stacking increases the amount offire put out (see section 9.6).

Flash 6/24 1 Stack - Flash causes temporary blindness.

It covers a 60 degree cone (one hex side), pro- jected outwards from the caster.

The 6 MF version blinds targets out to 15 hexes for 2 phases.

The 24 MF version blinds targets out to 15 hexes for 6 phases and targets out to 30 hexes for 2 phases.

Targets must be facing the caster (within 60 degrees) to be affected.

Targets get no Resist Roll.

Instead, they make a Perception roll with Base Odds 05 (see section 3.3).

If successful they are not blinded.

If they fail, they are.

Blinding halves combat skill level and makes the casting of magic impossible until sight returns.

Any mage blinded is immediately Distracted (see section 8.2).

If cast at night, the duration of blindness is doubled, for any successive Flash spells use a Base Odds of25 for the target's Perception roll.

Freeze Muscles 12 + STR 2 Stack 2 Minutes This spell stiffens a target's muscles and slows their movement.

Anyone affected has .5 subtracted from his BAT, CS, and DB.

Grounding 2 InfStack 8 Hours Grounding reduces the effects of an incoming spell by shunting its energies to ground, absorbing them.

For every 2 MF in Grounding, 1 MF is removed from an incoming spell.

For each MF grounded, 2 MF in the Grounding spell are used up.

As an example, with 100 MF in Grounding, an incoming spell of30 MF would be com- pletely canceled, but only 40 MF would remain in the Grounding spell.

Grounding, and all other protective abilities, occur before the Resist Roll is made.

Growth 5 10 Stack - This spell causes plants to grow, even if already full grown.

For every 5 MF the target will permanently add one pound to its mass during the course of one day.

Illusion -Tactile 5 InfStack 2 Hours With this ability qny inanimate object the mage can visualize may be created.

For every 5 MF, one pound of illusory mass is created.

The object looks and feels real, but if dropped or hit with a sharp impact it disappears.

Use a Perception Roll each hour with a Base Odds of 02 to determine if an opponent sees through the Illusion (see section 3.3).

Illusion-Visual 5/25/40 1 Stack 10 Phases A visual illusion is an image only -it has no mass or substance.

It moves under the direction of the mage.

While directing an illusion the mage cannot cast any other magic except Create Sound.

The costs above are for an image which is:

cat /man/horse size.

Larger illusions are subject to the referee's discretion.

Use a Percep- tion Roll every 10 phases with a Base Odds of 10 to determine if an opponent sees through the illusion (see section 3.3).

Leadfoot 25 3 Stack 2 Minutes Each time this spell is cast with effect, it reduces the target's Combat Speed by 1.

The Combat Speed can never be lowered below 1.

Mass Increase 2 Inf Stack 2 Hours Every 2 MF adds one pound of effective weight to an inanimate object.

No object may be made more than 5 times its normal weight.

Mending 4/25/80/120/400 1 Stack Permanent Mending Permanently repairs inanimate objects.

The costs are for:

cloth, glass, or rope/spear haft/dagger or spear head/sword blade/one foot width of a ship's hull.

Toughened objects require' double standard costs.

Prevent Fire 2/5/10/80 3 Stack 6 Hours Any inanimate object that has Prevent Fire cast on it will not bum under normal circumstances.

A Start Fire spell cancels the effects of this spell one for one.

The costs are for a:

torch/wood shield or table/door/one room hut or small tree.

Sleep KV 1 Stack 10 Minutes This spell causes the target to fall into a deep sleep from which he will be difficult to awaken.

Start Fire 1/4/15 1 Stack - This spell causes a flammable object to burst into flame.

The costs above are for a:

candle/torch/one hex fire.

With damp fuel 10 times the MF is required.

Ifwet, 20 times the MF (see section 9.6).

Stasis 30 + 2 x STR 1 Stack 12 Hours Stasis keeps the seriously injured alive until medical aid arrives.

If this spell is cast before the subject dies (see section 7.4), it preserves him unchanged for 12 hours.

Stop Quake 100 8 Stack - An earthquake may be reduced or completely stopped using this spell.

Each cast- ing reduces the earthquake's Scale by 1 (see section 9.9).

Strength 10 + STR 4 Stack 5 Minutes The Strength spell adds .5 to the target's Combat Speed, Damage Bonus, and Base Action Time, For breaking down doors, each casting adds 2 to STR (see section 9.7).

Thicken Blood 15 + STR 4 Stack - This spell slows bleeding from wounds.

Each time it is cast (up to three times) it doubles the Critical Time Period (see section 7.4).

If stacked four times it causes death.

Thicken Water 1/4/10/100 2 Stack 10 Minutes Thicken Water may be cast on any liquid but not on living creatures.

When cast, watery fluids behave as thick syrup, thick syrups as putty.

This spell cannot create solids.

The costs given are fora:

cup/quart/gallon/50 gallons.

Wizard Light 2/6/10 1 Stack 3 Minutes When cast it creates a diffuse light source whose position is controlled by the mage.

The costs given are for light equivalent to a:

candle/torch/2 torches.
