The following table contains Damage Bonus Modifiers.

These modifiers are multi- plied by the character's Damage Bonus to give an Impact Damage Multiplier.

Damage Bonus Modifiers Striking down on target 1.5 * Hitting a target at a closing speed of:

Target solidly braced 8 to 14 hexes per phase 1.5 back to a wall 2 15 to 25 hexes per phase 2 on a chopping block 26 to 35 hexes per phase 3 36 to 45 hexes per phase 4 * does not apply to mounted lance or spear at the charge.


Gax rides down a fleeing militiaman at a closing speed of 18 hexes per phase.

Gax's Damage Bonus is 2 and he is using a long stroke.

The Impact Damage multi- plier for this blow would be:

2 (his DB) x 2 (Long Stroke) x 1.5 (Striking Down) x 2 (Closing Speed 18) = 12.

Gax's blow does 12 times normal Impact Damage.
