Men fighting in the close confines of melee will often collide, intentionally or not.

When this happens each may be Knocked Back or Knocked Down.

To determine the results of a collision, each opponent adds his Strength character- istic, Balance Skill Level, and modifiers from the following table to his movement speed to get his Collision Rating (CR).

The character then enters the following Colli- sion table with the opponent's Collision Rating to find the percentage chances of his being Knocked Back or Knocked Down.

He then rolls a single 00-99 percentile num- ber.

Ifless than or equal to the Knock Back (KB) is rolled, he is knocked back one hex.

Ifless than or equal to the Knock Down (KD) number is rolled, he has not only been Knocked Back, but has been knocked off his feet.

Regaining his feet takes 1 to 2 phases.

The opponent likewise enters the Collision table with the character's Colli- sion Rating to find his chance of being Knocked Back or Knocked Down.

If one character is trying to tackle the other use the above rules with a speed equal to 14 regardless of his actual movement speed.

Collision Modifiers -5 hitting a standing stationary target + 5 hit while standing stationary -6 hitting a kneeling target + 6 hit while kneeling + 8 hitting the opponent's rear -6 backing into opponent + 0 hitting the opponent's front + 0 moving forward into opponent + 2 hitting the opponent's side -3 moving obliquely into opponent + 12 hitting an unaware target Collision Table CR 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 KD 00 05 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 96 97 98 99 KB 01 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 Example:

Jimmy the Geek is a character with STR 11 and Balance level 2.

At the end of a clash in one city building he hears a battle in progress down the street.

Rushing to the sounds of battle at a speed of 12, Jimmy plans to smash down the back door of the building in which the fight is taking place, take the enemy from the rear, and become an instant hero.

As he rushes the door Gill the Treacherous (STR 9, Balance level 3) fleeing the fighting moves to escape out the same door.

Just as Gill opens the door and steps out, Jimmy hits what he thought would be a door.

Jimmy's Collision Rating is:

11 (STR) + 2 (Balance) -5'(standingtarget) + 12 (movement speed) = 20, Gill's Collision Rating is:

9 (STR) + 3 (Balance) + 5 (standing stationary) = 17.

Jimmy enters the Collision Table with Gill's Collision Rating of 17;

he rolls a 93, which is less than the Knock Back but more than the Knock Down, so is knocked back one hex.

Gill enters the same table with Jimmy's Collision Rating of 20 and rolls a 56.

Since he needed to roll greater than a 95 he is Knocked Down backwards into the room one hex and will regain his feet in one or two phases.
