The accuracy of archery and thrown weapons depends on the archer's skill, weapon, and motion as well as the target's range, size, and speed.
To determine the Odds Of Hitting refer to the Archery Data Tables (3B to 3D).
Add the archer's skill level and all applicable Accuracy Level Modifiers (ALM's) to find the Effective Accuracy Level (EAL).
The greater the EAL, the greater the chance of hitting.
The EAL determines the Odds of Hitting.
The shooter rolls a 00-99 percentile number.
If the number rolled is less than or equal to the Odds of Hitting from table (3E), the shot hits.
The hit location and damage are then found using the Stabbing Damage Table as detailed in step 3 of section 6.2.
The Impact Damage aD) for arch- ery and thrown weapons is:
Thrown Weapon ID = (ID from table 3A) x (character's Damage Bonus) Archery Weapon ID = aD from table 3A) Archery fire often is directed at large formations of men rather than individual targets.
While not accurate enough to hit an individual at long range, it is quite effec- tive against large formations.
When shooting at a large formation the Target Size ALM is taken from the bottom section of table (3C).
Enter this section with the target or formation size in square feet to find the Target Size ALM.
If a hit into a body of men with shields is scored, there is a 60% chance the arrow will hit a shield or the ground rather than a man.
The disheveled bandit leader, Captain Plunder, hastily armed and groggy from sleep, staggers out the door to see his henchmen flee.
Not wanting to close with Derek, an unbloodied and well equipped warrior, the good Captain decides that dis- cretion is the better part of valor and draws a throwing dagger.
In the two phases it takes the Captain to draw and throw his dagger, Derek turns and moves toward his horse.
Captain Plunder is 4th level Thrown Weapons.
Adding this to all applicable ALM's (range ALM +20 for a target at range 18 hexes, target size ALM +8 for a standing target from the front/ rear, and movement ALM -1 for motion along the line of sight at less than 8 hexes per phase) gives an Effective Accuracy Level (EAL) of31, and an Odds of Hitting of 40%.
The Captain rolls a 02 to hit Derek.
A percentile number of92 rolled on the Stab- bing damage table (58) shows that the dagger has plunged into Derek's right leg.
A thrown dagger does 3 Impact Damage points.
The Captain has a Damage Bonus of 1;
looking at the damage table an ID of3 to the leg does 2 Physical Damage points to a man in mail ML.
Derek's leg has not been disabled, but he must roll greater than or equal to a 10 to remain conscious (2 PD is greater than Derek's KV of 17/10).
Derek rolls a 47 to stay up and moves to mount his horse.