Water is fertile, fluid, and constructive. It represents changeability and the emotions in general. A mage concerned with Water is likely to be somewhat wishy-washy and emotional. Calm Storm 50 4 Stack - Casting Calm Storm removes one level from a Storm and affects one 6 mile hex (see section 9.2). Calm Waters 15 15 Stack 30 Minutes Each casting reduces wave height by one foot in a 6 mile hex. It works on any kind of wave including the Raging Waters spell. The spell can remain in one place or move with a boat. Confusion 10 + INT 1 Stack 10 Phases Confusion causes the target to forget all strategies and tactics; where he is sup- posed to be and even which side he is on. The target will hold his ground and do nothing. Ifattacked he will defend and strike back, retreating ifnecessary. Healing -:l Inf Stack - Each casting removes one PD. This ability works only on Physical Damage. Disabl- ing Injuries remain until all healing is completed. Quell Riot 4/7/12/20/30/40 3 Stack 10 Minutes Once a riot starts (see section 9.10) Quell Riot may be used to stop it. Each casting reduces the chance of rioting by 20%. At least 30% of the crowd must be affected for the riot chance to decrease. The above costs are for affecting 1/2/5/10/20/50 people. Quicken Blood 12 + STR 2 Stack 2 Minutes This spell thins the target's blood, making it flow easier. If the target is injured while under the effects of this spell, Physical Damage (PD) is increased by 50%. Stacking adds another 50% increase to PD. This spell cancels the effects of a Thicken Blood spell. Rain 30 4 Stack Special Each casting of Rain adds one to the Rain level (see section 9.2). This effect covers one 6 mile hex. Reflection 3 Inf Stack 2 Hours For each casting, one MF of incoming spell can be turned back on the caster. Like Grounding and Transfer, the MF in Reflection is used up when a spell strikes it. For example, 90 MF in Reflection will reflect a maximum of30 MF. A 10 MF spell hitting it would use up 30 MF of Reflection. When a spell is reflected, the caster gets his normal Resist Roll against it. All of the caster's defenses operate, including Ground- ing, Transfer, and his own Reflection spell. Shapechange 40 + STR 1 Stack 12 Hours Shapechange works only on the caster himself. It allows him to assume the shape of whatever creature he can visualize. He will have any normal physical abilities the creature possesses, but no special magical or other powers. The caster maintains his own weight and size no matter what form he chooses. This means he would make a very large bird, or a very small bear. It takes 2 minutes to complete a Shapechange. In the changed form the mage cannot cast magic but retains all magical defenses. Weakness 15 + STR 2 Stack 1 Minute Each casting of Weakness subtracts .5 from the target's Combat Speed, Damage Bonus, and Base Action Time. 08.07-water.txt