Fire signifies energy. To a mage who masters Fire come the destructive spells and methods for inflaming violent emotions. Those who choose Fire tend to be willful, stubborn, and volatile in nature. Aging 1/3/20/60 2 Stack - Each casting ages the target by two months in the course of one day. Natural growth takes place at the accelerated rate, providing adequate food is available. The costs above are for a: rat/cat/dog/human. Other animals can be aged using 1 MF for every two pounds of body weight. Awaken WILL 1 Stack - This spell cancels the effects of a Sleep spell instantly. It may also be used to immediately rouse normally sleeping people to full wakefulness. Break Object 2/20/30/60 1 Stack - Any inanimate object can be broken if enough MF is applied. Brittle objects such as glass are easier to break. The costs above are for: one pound of glass or 2 foot square cloth/wooden chair or one pound of metal/ one inch thick wood door /2 foot square of brick wall. These costs should be used as a guide to judge expenses for breaking other objects. Objects break into 6-10 pieces if brittle and 2-4 otherwise. Enchanted objects require five times normal costs to break. Break Weapon 8/10/20/50 1 Stack - This is a special form of the Break Object spell. When cast on a weapon, this spell causes the weapon to break into 2-4 pieces. The costs above break a: spear or axe haft/ dagger or spear head/ metal haft or sword blade / mace head. If the weapon has been Enchanted against breakage use five times the costs. Explode Object 15 10 Stack - This spell is used on small inanimate nonmetallic objects in the one to ten pound range. A casting creates a Scale 1 explosion (see section 9.8). Each level of stacking adds one to the Scale. No more than two stacks per pound of object is allowed. This means a one pound crystal bowl could take no more than a two stacked Explosion spell, while a five pound rock could take the maximum of 10 stacks. Enchanted objects require 5 times normal costs. Flare Emotions 5/9/15/25/40/55 2 Stack 10 Minutes This spell is used to enrage a person or crowd. Provided at least 30% of the crowd is affected, each casting increases the chance of Rioting by 20% (see Mob Actions sec- tion 9.10). The costs above are for 1/2/5/10/20/50 people. Force Doors 2 Inf Stack - The Force Doors spell uses Fire as impact energy to break down doors. Every MF used gives one point of attack strength for breaking down a door or wall (see sec- tion 9.7). Gaseous Form 30 + 2 x STR 1 Stack 20 Minutes Gaseous Form converts the caster's body into a coherent, visible, cloud of gas. This spell can only be used by the caster on himself as great control is needed. No combat or magic casting is possible in this state, only movement at a speed of 5 hexes per phase. At the end of duration, the body is converted back to normal form. No metal is converted, but the caster's clothes and any small wooden or fibrous items (under 10 pounds) are. Heat 4/8/40 + STR/160/320 5 Stack - This raises the temperature of the target. The costs: raise room (12 x 12 foot) temperature 10 degrees F/boil a cup of water/raise a man's body temperature by 6 degrees/melt one pound of glass/melt one pound of metal. Stacking either r.aisesthe temperature further or increases the amount of material heated. A man is incapaci- tated if his body temperature is raised 6 degrees and dies if raised 12 degrees. Lightning 40/80 1 Stack - This spell calls down lightning to strike a chosen target. Since this is a natural phenomenon, the target gets no Resist Roll. The first cost is for use in Rain or Storm conditions, the second is for complete overcast (see section 9.2). Lightning is very hard to control. If there is anything 200 feet higher than the target within 100 hexes, or anything 20 feet higher than the target within 10 hexes, the lightning strikes that obstacle (hill, tree, etc.) rather than the target. Even if there is no higher obstacle, there is still only a 40% chance of actually striking the target. If a miss occurs, roll a 1- 10 hex scatter in a random direction. Lightning does 3-300 PD damage if it strikes a target, makes an Explosion of Scale 3-6 (see section 9.8), and a Rash spell in all directions. Against walls and gates it has an attack strength from 3-300 (see section 9.7). Only three strikes may be called down from overcast or rain. Pyrotics 2 InfStack - Pyrotics is a damage causing spell. It releases raw Fire into the target. For every casting, one PD is caused. RagingWaters 18 15 Stack Special Raging Waters creates a single wave, like a tidal bore, one foot in height and ten feet in width. It can be used to swamp boats or wash away troops crossing river fords. Stacking increases the height and width. A wave can be made only as high as the water is deep. After being cast, this spell takes three phases to form, starts 90 hexes from the target, moves at 30 hexes per phase, and dissipates after traveling 180 hexes. A one foot wave will swamp skiffs and canoes. A three foot wave swamps row boats, crushes skiffs and canoes, sweeps away men crossing a ford, and unhorses cavalry. A five foot wave swamps 20 foot sail boats and crushes row boats. A ten foot wave will clear the decks of a caravel or man-o-war and crush any lesser vessel. Victims get no Resist Roll and must make a Fall Recovery roll on the Action/Reaction table (section 3.3) with Base Odds 20. Failure of this roll results in a serious injury per note 3) of that table. Revive 8 + STR/30 + STR 1 Stack - This spell either cancels the effects of a Freeze Muscle spell or revives a body from a Death spell. The first cost is for canceling a Freeze Muscle spell, the second for reviving a body from a Death spell. Revive must be cast within three minutes after death and only works on death caused by a Death spell. Stop Rain 35 4 Stack - Each casting reduces the Rain level by one (see section 9.2). This reduces duration or stops rainfall altogether. It affects one six mile hex. Storm 60 4 Stack Special Each casting adds one to the Storm level (see section 9.2). There must be Rain level five to use this spell. Area affected is one six mile hex. Stun 12 + WILL 3 Stack 2 Phases This spell causes temporary confusion and blurred vision. An affected target will not advance or retreat, and if attacked only parries. His defense level, WA, and SA are all halved and magic may not be used. Stacking adds to the duration of the spell. Willpower 8 8 Stack 5 Minutes This spell temporarily raises the WILL characteristic by one with each casting. This raises the Knockout Value (KV) and makes the target less susceptible to Mental Con- trol or Will based spells. It cannot be used to improve Learning Rolls. Wind 20 8 Stack 30 Minutes The Wind spell causes a 10 MPH wind in a six mile hex area. The caster chooses the direction he wishes the Wind to blow and each casting adds 10 MPH to the speed. This magical Wind can be added or subtracted from any existing wind and the area affected can be moved at 1/2 the Wind's speed in any direction (see section 9.2 for the effects of wind). Wind Devil 15 5 Stack 2 Minutes Wind Devil creates a tornado like structure five hexes across and about forty feet high. It can be moved by the caster at a speed of 10 hexes per phase. The wind speed within the Wind Devil is 20 MPH per stacking level (see section 9.2 for the effects of wind). Wind Gust 4 1 Stack 1 Phase This spell creates a 20 MPH gust of wind sufficient to blowout candles and torches. The area affected is 50 by 30 hexes. 08.06-fire.txt