Besides casting spells. any mage may turn his talents to the creation of magical artifacts. This is a slow and arduous process, for not only must an object be con- vinced it can perform a magical function. a power source must be "hooked up" to deliver the MF for operation. A mage receives enchantment Cost Points equal to his MGSL for every month spent enchanting. The sections below give rules for determining costs of various enchantments. While enchanting, a mage may not train in any subject or go on mis- sions. Mages in the Orca are not allowed time off for enchanting until they reach eighth skill level. They may then spend up to four months a year on enchanting. These enchantments are permanent. They can only be activated if worn or held by someone. Only inanimate objects may be enchanted. Enchanting is divided into three categories: Spellform. Augmentation, and Special. Spel1form Spellform enchanting makes an object capable of casting a spell. Only spells from the subjects of Earth. Air, Fire. and Water may be enchanted into an object. The mage must have enough capability to cast the spell he plans to enchant. The following rules determine the cost points required to enchant an object: Type and Usage Cost Points Spells affecting the bearer or the object itself: One use per day 3 x MF of spell Three uses per day 8 x MF of spell Permanently on 14 x MF x N N = 1 if the spell's duration is in hours = 3 if the spell's duration is in minutes = 10 if the spell's duration is in phases Spells cast on others: One use per day 4 x MF of spell Three uses per day 10 x MFofspel1 No spell with an Inf stack listing or a duration listed as special. permanent. or (-) may be made permanently on. An enchanted object can only cast a spell at the MF level it is enchanted to. In the case of spells with variable costs. such as those dependent on STR or some other characteristic, this means that either too much or too little MF may be used. It is best to design these enchantments with "worst case" conditions in mind. Anyone may activate a Spellform implement. but spells may only be cast at single targets. except for the Calm Emotions, Flare Emotions. Incite Riot, and Quell Riot spells. Standard objects for these enchantments are rings, amulets. stones. staves. wands, armor. and weapons. Augmentation Augmentation enchanting creates artifacts that enhance a mage's native powers by reducing the MF required to cast spells. Each device can be enchanted to aid in only one branch of magic. An Augmentation device can only be used by the mage who created it. The cost of enchanting an Augmentation item is 10 per MF of reduction. The maxi- mum MF reduction a mage can build into one of these devices is one fifth of his capability (LP) in the subject involved. Only one device per subject is allowed. For every MF built into an Augmentation device, the cost of any spell in its subject drops by one. The mage may never use these items to cast a spell greater than his capability in a subject, and no spell may be made less than one half normal cost. Special Special enchanting covers several useful defensive functions of magic that work best as permanent enchantments and are therefore not included in the normal spell lists. The list below gives these abilities and the cost points for enchanting. Ability Cost Points Sentry, 10 hex range 150 Sentry, 20 hex range 400 Shielding, 100 square foot area 4 Shielding, item, per pound 15 Shielding, personal 180 Toughening, item, per pound 20 The Sentry enchantment sounds an alarm whenever an unknown person or beast comes within its range. It may be placed in any convenient stone or metal object. The Sentry can remember a maximum of20 beings. Shielding gives the item or person the magical defense level (MGSL) of its creator. Item Sheilding is meant for weapons and other inanimate objects. Personal shielding is typically put into an amulet, medallion, or ring and must be worn to be effective. Area Shielding is for buildings. tunnels. and other structures. Area Shielding can also cross open areas su;ch as doorways or cave entrances. If a spell must go through a Shielded area to reach its target. a Resist Roll using the MGSL of the creator is made. If this roll is successful, the spell is dissipated. Ifnot. the spell continues on. This type of Shielding has no effect on the spells of its creator. Toughening an object makes it five times more difficult to break, explode. or burn. 08.12-enchanting_and_implements.txt