====== Combat Data Tables ====== **Table 1 Equipment Table** The Equipment Table gives the weight and cost in Status points of goods and services. **Table 2 Weapon, Armor, and Shield Data Table** Table (2A) lists weapon data and cost. Weapon Speed (WS): The number of attacks or parries per combat phase. WC: Weapon accuracy. The greater the WC the greater the accuracy. Impact: Weapon Impact, not physical damage. A stick may hit with the same Impact as a sword, but will do much less Physical Damage because it will not penetrate. Range: Weapon range in two foot hexes. Table (2B) lists clothing and armor weights, costs, and protection (Armor Class). Table (2C) lists shield weights, costs, and Shield Speed (SS). The Shield Speed gives the number of shield parries per combat phase. **Table 3 Archery Data Table** Table (3A) lists archery and thrown weapon data. Table (3B) accuracy versus target range. Table (3C) accuracy versus target size. Table (3D) accuracy versus target or shooter motion. Table (3E) Odds of Hitting versus EAL. The EAL is the sum of the archer's skill level and applicable modifiers from (3B to 3D). Table (3F) Optional Glancing rule table. **Table 4 Combat Attack Tables** There are seven Combat Attack Tables (4A to 4G). They give the % chance to hit versus attacker's Attack Level, defender's defensive Skill Level, and defender's Parry Type. (Full, Partial, or No Parry.) **Table 5 Damage and Martial Arts Tables** There are four Damage Tables: Cutting (5A), Stabbing (5B), Flange (5C), and Blunt (5D). Each gives the target Hit Location and Physical Damage versus the blow's Impact Damage. The Cutting table is used for slashing blows with an edged weapon sucaas a sword or axe. The Stabbing table is used for thrusts with an edged weapon, spear, or archery attack. The Flange table is used for attacks with a flanged mace or polearm, and the Blunt table for fists, kicks, sticks, clubs, or pommel strikes. Table (5E) lists Martial Arts Striking Actions. Table (5F) lists Martial Arts Grappling Moves. **Table 6 Combat Speed (CS), Base Action Time (BAT), and Damage Bonus (DB)** Table (6A) gives the character's Combat Speed versus Strength and En- cumbrance (weight carried). Table (6B) gives his Base Action Time (top line) and Damage Bonus. The larger the BAT the faster he can use his weapons. The larger the DB the greater the Impact of his blows. Combat Data Tables [R-FRP4-8.1]