Aiming at specific body locations is easily handled. The odds for hitting a given damage location on the Damage Tables is the base chance of landing a blow there. If the attacker is of higher combat skill level than the target, the attacker may attempt aiming at a given damage location. The chance of his hitting this spot is the damage location's base chance times the difference between the attacker's and target's com- bat skill level. The attacker would roll to hit the desired location. Ifless than or equal to the above chance is rolled, he hit the desired spot. If not, he missed that area and the hit location would be rolled randomly on the Damage Table, excluding the in- tended target. Example: Derek has a Combat Skill Level of 3 while his opponent is 1 st level. Since Derek is higher level, he may attempt aiming at specific body locations. The normal Odds Of Hitting rules are followed to determine if Derek hits. Ifhe hits with a cutting blow, the base chance of hitting the right arm is 68-81 or 14%. So Derek has a 2 x 14 = 28% chance of hitting the opponent in the right arm. Derek rolls a 46 and misses the arm. He has still hit, but not the desired location. Derek would now roll a 00-99 number to determine the hit location, excluding the intended target area. 10.04-aiming_blows.txt